Monday, March 29, 2010

Things that make you go Hmmm

I haven't written anything in a while. In a way that means there isn't much to tell! This is a loooooong process. I'm still doing my class-which is such an awesome class too! We are learning lots, but it's mostly just things to do with our business plans, rather than getting things in motion. I guess in a way you could call it "The calm before the storm" lol

I do know that I will be needing help from my future customers sometime in the near future. All completely anonymous of course :)

I just thought I had better write something so that you knew it was still going good! :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Big Announcement!!!

Hello everyone, and thank you for checking out my Blog!]
Some of my friends may already know this, but for the rest of you:
I am in the process of opening a Scrapbooking Store in SAINT JOHN NB!!!! And all of you, my wonderful followers, will get to hear about it as I go!

Right now it's still in the planning stages, with tentative opening as Summer 2010. This could change, but I will keep you posted! :)

This has been a LONG process so far (as many of my close friends and family know!) but it is now officially "in the works"

I am taking a class with a small group of women, all with their own wonderful business ideas called Enterprising Women. We are being taught step by step on how to start up a business, starting with researching for our Business Plans. It's an amazing class, and at the end we will all be in the process of opening, or possibly even already open!

So it was suggested to me that I start a Blog to keep people in the loop!

As I get further along in the planning stages, I may be asking for help from you, my future customers! :)

Thanks again for taking a look, and please feel free to spread the word!! :)